
Бенедикт Камбербэтч и его новая роль в фильме "Власть пса"

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It was long past suppertime when his mother and George got back. The girl came in from the kitchen and had spoken to Peter with respect. ‘Do you want me to leave their places on?’
‘Please,’ he said. Then he went upstairs and washed his hands carefully, and wetted and combed his hair. Before long the dogs began their predicted barking and he combed his hair carefully and got up and opened the window and looked out. At first they were hidden in the shadow of the hill; he heard his mother’s soft voice. Then they moved slowly out into the moonlight. How lovely she looked in the moonlight, how fine that George stood still, took her, kissed her! What but for this, this playing of a scene in the moonlight that marked the true beginning of his mother’s life, what but for this had his father removed himself — sacrificed himself to lie under that other hill, in Beech, under a handful of paper flowers, faithful to his own book of dreams?
The dogs kept to the shadows, whimpered softly, then were strangely still. Peter was moved to whisper the line from Psalms that had so moved him, hours before.
Deliver my soul from the sword,
My darling from the power of the dog.
He wondered if that Prayer Book were often used, if he might not snip out that bit and paste it into place in the scrapbook, a far better final entry than the rose leaves that, still red, had lost their odor. For she was delivered now — thanks to his father’s sacrifice, and to the sacrifice he himself had found it possible to make from a knowledge got from his father’s big black books. The dog was dead.
In those black books, one August afternoon, he had found that anthrax — blackleg they called it out there — was a disease of animals communicable to man, and that it finds its sure way into the human bloodstream through cuts or breaks in the skin from a man’s handling the hide of a diseased animal — as when perhaps a man with damaged hands will use a diseased hide in braiding a rope.

Ну вот окончание собственно. 


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9 minutes ago, Добби Таттлер said:

Ну вот окончание собственно. 

Спасибо! Всё то же, да(.


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